Star Wars animated series Tales of the Jedi has revealed the shocking fate of a mysterious character from The Phantom Menace, who fans have been curious about for years.


Yaddle appears in the background of the first Star Wars prequel as a member of the Jedi council and though her screen time is limited, she has drawn much attention as a rare member of the same species as Yoda.

Disney Plus original Tales of the Jedi features the character's most substantial screen appearance to date, exploring the friendship she once had with Count Dooku, which ultimately ended in tragedy.

Read on for a full breakdown of a jaw-dropping confrontation, but be warned: There are full spoilers for Tales of the Jedi from this point!

The final Dooku-centric episode of Tales of the Jedi depicts the moment he truly fell to the dark side.

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Set just after the events of The Phantom Menace, we see the troubled Jedi Master is furious about the death of his former Padawan learner Qui-Gon Jinn, who was killed in battle by the Sith Lord Darth Maul. Dooku had tried to warn his fellow Jedi on the high council that a great evil was stirring, but his concerns were not taken seriously and so he holds them responsible for the crushing loss.

This disgust is what keeps him from attending Qui-Gon's memorial service on Naboo, while it also drives him to confront his co-conspirator Darth Sidious (AKA Senator Palpatine in disguise). In a secret meeting at his lair, Dooku tells the dark lord that Qui-Gon, if turned, could have been a powerful ally to them and that his death should never have happened.

Christopher Lee plays Count Dooku in the Star Wars prequel trilogy
Christopher Lee plays Count Dooku in the Star Wars prequel trilogy. SEAC

Palpatine counters that he also lost an apprentice in the vicious fight (although it would later emerge that Maul survived), adding that everything is happening in service to their grand plan.

What neither realises is that Yaddle had followed Dooku to this hidden location, concerned that her friend seemed to be suffering greatly and withdrawing from Jedi life. She makes herself known in a bold – if foolish – attempt to bring him back to the light.

"Whatever lies he's told you, whatever you have done, you can make up for it now by bringing him to justice," she tells him, making it obvious that she has already heard too much.

Palpatine reminds Dooku of his frustration, saying that the "Jedi blindly serve a failing republic" and demands that he prove his loyalty by killing his former ally.

A duel breaks out between the two Jedi, with Yaddle attempting to calm things down: "I am on your side, Dooku. You were right about so many things."

Yaddle appears in Tales of the Jedi
Yaddle appears in Tales of the Jedi. Star Wars/YouTube

She continues by revealing that she stepped down from her position on the Jedi council in solidarity with Dooku, regretting how they ignored his appeals for investigation, adding that "Qui-Gon didn't have to die".

Alas, her attempts to get through are unsuccessful and soon she finds herself on the back foot in battle. In a brutal move, Dooku brings an enormous metal blast door slamming down on Yaddle as she stands beneath the contraption.

Though she appears to have met a grisly end, the Jedi Master then makes an incredible display of strength, using the force to block the door from fully closing and raising it up once more. However, the act leaves her exhausted and she collapses at the feet of her enemies.

"I want to bring peace and order to the galaxy," Dooku tells her.

She responds: "Already so many have suffered for what you call order."

He utters venomously: "Then let me bring you peace, Master Yaddle," before delivering the killing blow with his lightsaber.

This episode is noteworthy for revealing the fate of Yaddle, whose story had yet to be told since Disney wiped much of Star Wars canon, as well as for confirming that not all members of Yoda's species share his unconventional speech pattern – which could be relevant for when Grogu speaks his first word.

Tales of the Jedi serves as a spiritual successor to Star Wars: The Clone Wars, also exploring three formative moments in the life of fan-favourite Jedi Ahsoka Tano.

Tales of the Jedi is available to stream on Disney Plus. Sign up to Disney Plus for £7.99 a month or £79.90 for a year. Check out more of our Sci-Fi coverage or visit our TV Guide to see what's on tonight.


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